sleep 5 &&
kdeinit &
[This loads the libraries of kde (which are needed to start amarok) in the memory at the time when the system starts; however, it does not increase the login-startup time, cause it sleeps the process (at least by me). If it DOES increase it, then a bigger setting should be applied for the sleeping part - "sleep 10" or 15 or whatever.]
2. Then, this script goes saved into a text file (for instance as ~/.kdelaunch), then a terminal is being opened and the following command is being issued:
chmod +x ~/.kdelaunch
which makes the file executable.
3. Afterwards, one has to go to System->Administration->Sessions (or whereever the startup of programs is; this part is not in English at my system) and add this as a new launcher (give it a name and in the place for a command type: ~/.kdelaunch).
And that's it all about; now Amarok would start for about 1 second on my system. Hooray! Btw, this could be used to increase the startup time of other kde applications in gnome as well (kopete, Kplayer, whatsoever).