Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rainlendar for Linux

There's a working version of Rainlendar for Ubuntu-like Linux distributions (I mean the version rainlendar2-lite_2.3.b54-1_i386.deb), which may be downloaded as a .deb file from the main website.

One has then to open a terminal and write:
sudo apt-get install tofrodos
cd "directory where the deb file is" && sudo dpkg -i rainlendar2+Tab

The program may be started by its name: Alt+F2 and rainlendar2

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Greeting cards

The main reason I would send a greeting card is if I liked the greeting card. Another reason is the feeling one gets for himself/herself. This site - offers both - not only nice greeting cards, but (as to the website) the sending a card from there saves a little part of a rainforest. It feels sooo good!
Witty, nah?

And as I'm still at it, Happy new year!


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About me

I'm Adrian and this is my blog. Here I usually write about technical stuff (mostly about Linux).
Copyright: BY-NC_SA, Author: aeter