Saturday, July 28, 2007

Making Amarok start really fast in Gnome (Ubuntu)

One of the things that striked me most when I started using linux was Amarok. I like very much Rhythmbox as an application to play music, but Amarok is simply amazing. In Ubuntu 7.04 that I use (Gnome DE), amarok starts usually for about 10-15 seconds, which is VERY much for me. Luckily, this startup time may be shortened to 1-2 seconds. Here comes the good old "sleep script", that I used to launch conky with (a bit modified).
sleep 5 &&
kdeinit &

[This loads the libraries of kde (which are needed to start amarok) in the memory at the time when the system starts; however, it does not increase the login-startup time, cause it sleeps the process (at least by me). If it DOES increase it, then a bigger setting should be applied for the sleeping part - "sleep 10" or 15 or whatever.]

2. Then, this script goes saved into a text file (for instance as ~/.kdelaunch), then a terminal is being opened and the following command is being issued:
chmod +x ~/.kdelaunch

which makes the file executable.

3. Afterwards, one has to go to System->Administration->Sessions (or whereever the startup of programs is; this part is not in English at my system) and add this as a new launcher (give it a name and in the place for a command type: ~/.kdelaunch).

And that's it all about; now Amarok would start for about 1 second on my system. Hooray! Btw, this could be used to increase the startup time of other kde applications in gnome as well (kopete, Kplayer, whatsoever).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. Btw. you can drop the sudo in "sudo chmod ..."

Adrian said...

Thanks for your kind comment; fixed now.


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I'm Adrian and this is my blog. Here I usually write about technical stuff (mostly about Linux).
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