Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today I tried Sidux LiveCD, with kde-lite. It is indeed very fast, being very fast even from the CD; I did not install it on my system, but I guess it would be much faster (I'm almost sure about that). Still, feeling comfortable with my Ubuntu install (with Gnome DE), I'm not going to switch to Sidux that easy. I have to admit though, that it was amazing; I find it much better than Kubuntu (and it was faster from the livecd than Kubuntu being installed on my machine, or at least felt so). It is somehow easier to configure than Kubuntu. Also, the liveCD boots much faster than Knoppix, which really amazed me, cause Knoppix is intended for such use.
Sidux uses KDE DE, the other major Desktop Environment besides Gnome. Sidux impressed me. I think that it is very good right now, and very promising as well. If I wasn't settled down with Ubuntu, I would probably run it as a primary system of mine.
The other thing I liked seemed to be the fine documentation; I was able to easily find out what I need exactly for to be able to run wi-fi. It was a pleasant surprise as well, though I haven't tried the connection actually "on the battlefield", I guess it should be not so hard to set-up.
All in all, Sidux is impressive; if I have the time, I'm going to keep my eye on it - cause it deserves at least this.

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